Autobio - Thu, 12/23/2010
Great Eggspeggtations
Posted December 23, 2010 at 09:04 pm


I don't hate eggs, and they're not terribly eggspensive, but ughhh. I guess I should have eggspected to get sick of them, especially when the rate of consumption goes up eggsponentially.

There's nothing I can do to make that better for you, so I'll just leave it there. Please, don't thank me. I do it for you. 

Actually, while we're talking about eggs (by which I mean I am talking at you about it), I should mention that I looked up the recipe for eggnog. There's about 2 cartons of eggs that we had to work our way through, so we approached the problem from all angles. Eggnog is actually not that complicated! The only real complication is that the one person I know who is remotely passionate about eggnog is Conrad, and he now lives across town. Conrad has been known to down a quart of eggnog in a day! We refer to the annual act of this as Connoggin' it (actually I just made that up, but I think it has real potential).

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you have a good time celebrating whatever it is you're celebrating. If you're working, godspeed and have a good one! I'll be working too, most likely! All aboard the work sled, mush!




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