Autobio - Tue, 12/21/2010
Don't listen to him
Posted December 21, 2010 at 03:00 pm

True story: I once made grilled cheese with a hairdryer in college! The girl I borrowed it from wanted nothing to do with me after she found out. ): And the grilled cheese turned out bad, too - so not worth it. 

First things first - Sunday was Conrad's birthday! Happy birthday Conrad! Wish him a good one, if you have a moment. 

We mentioned our lack of heat last time - it's been fixed! Very fixed - I'm writing this in shorts. Awesome. 

Those of you who have put in orders up to today - I'm dropping them off at the post office first thing tomorrow. I hope you get them in time! 

Even more sketches over on Yuko's tumblr!

Most of our roommates have left the apartment to visit their families, so we're milling around and working on whatever we can get done in the hopes that we can enjoy the holidays headache free. We'll continue to update through the New Year! But please keep in mind that you may get a filler or two as we won't have all our usual resources at our disposal. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays celebrating whatever it is you celebrate! Next year will be your best year yet!




- BUZZ is back in FULL COLOR!
Out Feb 18th! 
Preorder here! 


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