Hi there! You'll remember Ananth's work with Tess Stone most recently on GREATER SECRETS, but they originally collaborated on a book called BUZZ! I'm very excited to share that there's going to be a BUZZ! color edition! It's coming out on February 18th in stores everywhere, and in the run up to that we'll be running a preview of the opening pages on the site! Enjoy!
Simon & Schuster
Barnes & Noble
GREATER SECRETS is the latest graphic novel from Tess Stone and Ananth Hirsh! It's a coming of age story-- a surreal road-trip at the edge of the world!
You can get it at your local bookstore, or online:
Tess and Ananth got interviewed by Elias Rosner! It's a fun interview that you can read here.
A shoutout on the Book Riot Hey YA podcast!
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