We're going to be at ECCC 2019 March 14-17 in Seattle, WA! Find us at Table P3-P7! We'll have BARBAROUS CHAPTER 2 and a lot of other stuff! Come say hello!
The store closes TOMORROW (Friday 3/7/2019)! If you had been meaning to pick something up, please do so now!
OFFHAND IS IN THE STORE! And we've added an option for a discounted bundle of both artbooks!
We're having a sale! All of our non-print-on-demand items are marked down. Use coupon code MOVINGSALE to get Offhand, Cuttings, and the Cuttings Print Set together for only $40!
We're going to be shutting down our store and doing a relaunch in the Spring. If you want anything from us after it's closed, come see us at ECCC or Anime Boston!