Hi everyone! The BARBAROUS Chapter 5 Kickstarter is over! Thank you so much for helping to make it a big success! Yuko made an animated gif out of the countdown graphics we posted on Twitter:
Backers crossed the 75k mark, so we even got the final push goal-- converting the digital art book into a 'Designing Barbarous' book, with a print edition added to all tiers with a Slipcase. We're already discussing how to organize it-- look forward to it!
I also did want to address something that came up a bit during the campaign, which was how to get select books from Chapters 1-4 (rather than all of them as a set). There are two ways you can do it: 1) you can wait for the Pledgemanager (which will be coming when we're closer to fulfillment), where we'll have each Chapter Book as an add-on, or 2) you can buy them in the online store, where they're each available individually.
Hope that helps! As always, thanks for reading!
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