nothing personal - Thu, 04/08/2010
John you're the best
Posted April 8, 2010 at 10:03 pm

I couldn't make this up even if I wanted to. 

This weekend is MoCCA! We don't have a table this year, but we will be circulating, so flag us down and say hello if you like! We don't bite at all, I promise. :) Additionally, Yuko will be at Drink and Draw Like a Lady on Friday night, so ladies can catch her there as well! 

The tee I designed for Oni Press was on sale at Wondercon last weekend, which was pretty cool. I've been told it was sighted on G4TV at some point afterwards. It's a limited edition, but there were some left over and I believe they're going online at some point. Best bet there is to check Oni Press' website - and if you're a twitter kid, follow them at @onipress for their most frequent updates. Just don't ask me how to get 'em! 

Oh, Conrad's rolling on JW 2.0 - I am getting occasional updates yelled to me from down the hall, it is like Twitter but real life. 

Oh, we're going to do a reprint of either Zoolology or Phoenix Down, it looks like - chime in if you'd rather one over the other, thanks!

That's all for us, see you next week - or maybe this weekend! ;)




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