Mort was the landlord in Rochester, and he was an odd guy. If he was an action figure, he'd come with a bottle in a brown paper bag, a cigarette, and spackle, and if you pushed the button on his back he'd say one of his Mort-isms, in the voice of Watto (the little flying scrap dealer in Phantom Menace). There were a lot! You'll probably see more Spacklehaus memoirs in the near future - we talked about living there during one of our panels at I-Con, and it brought everything (hilariously) back.
Speaking of which, thanks for coming to see us at I-Con! We got to meet some of you, and three of you brought us gifts - a dinosaur book, a cat toy, catnip, and Starbucks instant coffee for Yuko. Thanks so much guys!! We had a great time there and we'll (hopefully) be there next year. Thank you Matt Stingone for being the awesome Comics track leader, thanks Mookie and Alyssa for showing us the I-Con ropes, and thanks to Mookie's best friend Dave and his wife Jenny, who both graciously allowed us to stay in their home during our visit. If you pop over to Mookie's site you can catch some pictures of the weekend!
Some new stuff was added to the store last week! Basilisk totes and Maw keychains, you can click the banner on the sidebar or click here to check 'em out! That's all, see you Thursday!
- BUZZ is back in FULL COLOR!
Out Feb 18th! Preorder here!
- ECCC 2025 in Seattle, WA!
See you there!