Fiction - Thu, 05/26/2011
T-shirt question!
Posted May 26, 2011 at 01:03 am


The first part of a 5-part Girl with the Skeleton Hand story - you can read the previous story here, and here's a little cameo at the end of Delilah and the Basilisk. Hope you enjoy it!

I've been saying we'd put the new t-shirts up this week, but unfortunately our work ran away with us and we just don't have it prepped. I hate to do this, but they'll be up on Tuesday come hell or high water. Sorry about that!

You guys seemed to really like the Batmen! Which leads me to the question: any interest in a Batmen t-shirt? Let us know in the comments below! We're thinking black ink on a white or silver t-shirt. 

The Batmen were also featured on Comics Alliance, where Chris Sims said some really flattering things! Also some side-by-side comparisons of Yuko's Batmen and some real Batmen (I remember Darkclaw and the cowboy, but somehow completely missed the wizard? Batman was a wizard??).

And Johnny Wander also ended up on, a blog that I've been following since college! Some very kind words from Luc Latulippe, one of the Drawn contributors (whose own work is just gorgeous). 

That's all for us! Swing by Tuesday for page 2 of this Girl with the Skeleton Hand arc. And t-shirts. For real this time.




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